Bateman Bobcat Banner: June 10, 2024

Bateman Bobcat Banner
Monday, June 10, 2024
Upcoming Events:
- June: National Indigenous History Month // Pride Month
- Tuesday June 11: ‘Welcome to Kindergarten’ for new Kindergarten families
- Tuesday, June 11: Final RBPS School Council Meeting (6:30 - 7:30)
- Thursday, June 13: Special presentations from Canterbury HS Drama students
- Tuesday June 18: Grade 6 End-of-Year Trip
- Friday June 21: Olympic Day for K - 6 Students/ Freezie Sale ($1 in support of Gr 6 Legacy Fund)
- Tuesday June 25: Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony
- Thursday June 27: Last day of school
Note: This list does not include all individual class field trips.
School Council News
Thanks to Pizza Volunteers: The final Pizza Day was on Thursday, June 6. We would like to thank all the parent volunteers, without whom we would not have a Pizza Day.
Final Council Meeting: We would also like to invite everyone to attend our final Council meeting of the 2023/2024 school year on Tuesday, June 11 @ 6:30. You can attend this meeting in-person in the school library or virtually by using this link. We would greatly appreciate your presence and contribution.
Staff Appreciation Brunch: Robert Bateman Public School is lucky to have amazing teachers, EA’s, ECE’s, custodial staff and office staff. Our school has had a lovely tradition of thanking these wonderful individuals with a special potluck Brunch at the end of the school year. This year the RBPS School Council will hold our special brunch on Monday, June 24. The Brunch will be served at 10:30 am and we need your help in order to make this a success: we need you to provide the delicious food!!. Please ensure it is nut free. Items can be sandwiches, raw fruits, veggies, cake, hot dishes such as meatballs, curries, samosas etc…
Things to remember:
- Please bring your favourite dish to show our teachers and staff how much you appreciate all they do for our children on Monday, June 24. There will be a table at the entrance of the school where you can drop your food dish, between 8:15 and 9:30, a volunteer will be there to receive your dish.
- Make sure you label the container/serving utensils with your child’s name so we can return your items to you. Please label the food (i.e. vegetarian) to help with those with dietary restrictions.
- If you are able to bring food, please let us know what you will bring by emailing by Friday, June 2, so we can plan accordingly. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help setup, you can also send us an email.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Grade 6 Fundraising Events
Over the next few weeks, the Grade 6 students will be engaged in some fundraising activities for their upcoming leaving ceremony, end of year field trip, and legacy project.
- On Friday, June 14 and Friday, June 21 there will be a Freezie sale at the end of the day. $1 per jumbo freezie. (The June 14 Freezie Sale is rescheduled from Thursday, June 6)
Thank you for supporting the Grade 6 students!
Warm Weather
As we move through June, we can expect more hot days ahead. Students will continue to spend time outside at recess, and will stay indoors only if Ottawa Public Health issues a heat warning (humidex of 40 degrees Celsius or more for at least two consecutive days) or a heat emergency (humidex of 45 or more or situational factors).
We recommend that students have lightweight and loose clothing to wear outdoors, including a hat. We also recommend that students have sunscreen, and that younger students be taught how to apply their own sunscreen. Taking a break in the shade during recess is also recommended.
Olympic Day - Thursday, June 21
On Thursday June 21, RBPS students from Kindergarten - Grade 6 will participate in a school-wide ‘Olympic Day’ Students in K-5 will rotate through a variety of activities and stations, with the students in Grade 6 taking a leadership role in running these activities.
Ottawa Public Library Summer Reading Program
The Ottawa Public Library participates in Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages and interests. Kids can take part anywhere—at local public libraries across Canada as well as at home, online, or wherever summer takes them. Talk to your local public library staff to find out how students or families can join. Click here for more information.
Staff Profile (In every Banner, we profile a different staff member…)
Staff Name: Rhode-Anne Irus
Role: Primary EFI Teacher & Junior French Teacher
Time at Robert Bateman: 5 years
Background: I grew up in Ottawa with my very big, musical, sporty, Haitian family. Bateman is the second school I have taught at.
Interesting Fact: I have over 35 cousins!