Bateman Bobcat Banner: November 4, 2024

Upcoming Events
- November: Hindu Heritage Month / Holocaust Remembrance Month
- November 3-8: Veteran’s Week / Treaties Recognition Week
- Wednesday,November 6: Photo Retake Day
- Friday,November 8: PD Day (No School for Students)
- Monday, November 11: Remembrance Day Assembly at RBPS
- Tuesday, November 12: 6:30 PM: RBPS School Council Meeting (In-person and online)
- Wednesday, November 20: Progress Reports / Kindergarten Communication of Learning shared with parents via email
- Week of Nov 26-29: Scholastic Book Fair
- Thursday, November 28 / Friday November 29: Parent-Teacher Interviews
- Thursday, November 28: Literacy Information evening for parents
- Friday, November 29: PA Day (No school for students)
- Friday, December 6: School Council Family Movie Night (DC League of Super Pets) More details to follow
Quick Links
- Please report your child’s absence or late arrival using School Messenger, or by calling 1-833-202-1417
- SchoolCash Online
- Media Permission Forms
Professional Development at RBPS
On Friday, November 8, all staff at Robert Bateman PS will take part in a PD Day. The main topics for this day of learning are:
- Literacy Learning:
- Using student data to determine student needs and next steps in targeted instruction
- Mathematics:
- Identify teaching strategies that support the implementation of the High-Impact Instructional Practice of “Tools and Representations”
- Student Well-Being
- Cyber Security: technology use and student safety
- Enhanced mental health literacy for staff
Remembrance Day / Veterans’ Week at RBPS
In the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day (last week and this week), students are learning at an age-appropriate level about the sacrifices made by veterans, and why we honour their memory. Some classes will also be welcoming guest speakers to discuss the importance of Remembrance Day and remembering our veterans. On Monday, November 11, Grade 1 - 6 students and staff at RBPS will take part in a Remembrance Day ceremony at 9:30 AM. (Kindergarten students will participate in an age-appropriate observance in-class). Parents are invited to attend this ceremony; please arrive prior to 9:25
Special Month / Weeks of Recognition at RBPS
November marks a number of special observances. In addition to Remembrance Day, November is also Hindu Heritage Month and Holocaust Remembrance Month. The week of November 3 - 8 is also Treaty Recognition Week. These special months / weeks of observance provide opportunities to raise awareness, and educate students at age-appropriate levels about important events in history, different identities that make up our communities, and is part of our commitment to equity and inclusion, ensuring that all identities and values are welcomed. At Robert Bateman, special weeks and months of observance / recognition are marked by school-wide announcements, age-appropriate class-based activities (such as a read-aloud or class discussion) and sometimes bulletin board displays which reinforces the message that all students, families, and identities are welcome at Robert Bateman Public School.
Voluntary $20 RBPS Student Fee
Robert Bateman PS invites parents/caregivers to contribute a voluntary student fee of $20. These fees are used to support additional activities to enrich the student programs, such as guest speakers and special presentations, and to subsidize field trips. Our request is for a voluntary donation of $20 per student (up to a family maximum of $50). This fee can be sent electronically using SchoolCashOnline, or sent as cash / check with your child(ren). Thank you in advance for considering this request.
RBPS School Council News
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
It’s Cookie Time!
Robert Bateman School Council is running our much loved Cookie Dough Fundraiser.
We will be working with MacMillian’s who offer the most delicious frozen bake your own cookie dough! These are perfect treats to have on hand before the winter break.
All proceeds will go to the school council to help fund events/items in the school to bring those little extras into the classrooms to help enhance our children's learning!
For a brochure of all the items available, and step by step instructions on how to order online, visit OR
Steps to online ordering:
- Access our website and select shop all products now!!
- Select items.
- Proceed to check out.
- Select your school/organization from the drop-down menu.
- Fill in all required fields pertaining to name of customer, name of student and credit card information etc.
- A pick up date will be set and will be communicated in the Bobcat Banner. The cookies will all be delivered to the school. The instructions on how to bake the cookies are provided with your order
Ordering ends on November, 11: Thank you for your support!
RBPS School Council: Tuesday, November 12
All parents are invited to attend the RBPS School Council meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm in the school library. This meeting will use a hybrid (in-person and virtual) format; any parent who would like to attend virtually is invited to join using this meeting link. We hope to see many parents at this meeting.
Kindergarten - Grade 6 Media Permission Forms
We would like to tell the community about the many positive things taking place in our school. We also want to strike the right balance between getting our message out and respecting the wishes of parents/guardians who do not want their children photographed or videotaped or their child’s name, work or photo displayed on the District’s or school’s websites. Therefore, could you please complete this form to let us know your preferences regarding sharing information?
RBPS Activities
(In every Banner, we highlight a different activity at RBPS.)
Activity Name: Islamic Art with Faten
What is it?: On Tuesday, October 29, we welcomed visual artist Faten Trabelsi to Robert Bateman. Ms Trabelsi led workshops with our Grade 3/4 and up classes, in which she linked the art and beauty of mathematics through the motifs of Islamic art. Students learned about the history and characteristics of this art form, and then used mathematical concepts to draw geometric patterns. This special event was made possible thanks to the generosity of the Crabtree Foundation, and your support of voluntary student fees.