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Bateman Bobcat Banner: February 24, 2025

Upcoming Events:

  • February 24 - 28: Luv2Groove Dance Workshops
  • Tuesday, February 25: Toonie Tuesday in support of the Education Foundation
  • Wednesday, February 26: Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying)
  • Wednesday, February 26: Kindergarten Concert (9:30 AM)
  • Thursday, February 27: RBPS will be polling site for Provincial Election (Expect reduced parking availability);
  • March 10 - March 14: March Break (No school for students)

Quick Links:


RBPS ‘Food From the Heart’ Food Drive

Thank you to all the families who contributed to our ‘Food From the Heart’ Food Drive. Together, we raised over $1,700.00 in cash, and almost 500 kg of food, with every class taking part. This is an incredible outpouring of generosity for a school of our size, or of any size, and the Pavillion Food Bank asked that we share their gratitude for your support.


Toonie Tuesday: Tuesday, February 25

On Tuesday,  February 25, Robert Bateman will take part in our annual ‘Toonie Tuesday’ fundraiser, in support of the Education Foundation of Ottawa. Students are invited to bring in Loonies, Toonies, or other amounts, and parents can donate online here. Thanks to Ms Petten’s Grade 4/5 class for organizing and promoting this event, including the assembly they organized last week.

The Education Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to supporting students in the OCDSB who are vulnerable to the effects of poverty. One in five children in our schools lives in poverty. The Education Foundation’s goals include reducing barriers to ensure that all students have the basic necessities they need in order to learn confidently. They do this by providing appropriate food, clothing, school supplies, healthcare supports and access to opportunities for students in our neighbourhood and our school. At Robert Bateman School, the Education Foundation provides financial support for our Breakfast Program, provides school supplies, snowsuits, and other items for students, and provides emergency support for RBPS families in need.


First Term Progress Reports 

First Term Progress Reports (or Communication of Learning for Kindergarten students) were sent home February 12 via email. If you did not receive this email, or were not able to download your child’s report, please contact the school via phone (613-737-3169) or email so we can make sure you receive your copy. 


Luv2Groove Dance Workshop

This week (February 24 - 28, instructors from Luv2Groove will be delivering workshops to all RBPS classes from Kindergarten - Grade 6. Luv2Groove instructors deliver programs that meet the different Grade expectations of the Ontario Dance and Physical Education Curriculum in a fun and engaging way, and are accessible to all students, whatever their past dance experience. We should also note that students will not be dancing with partners. You can learn more about Luv2Groove’s school program here. Also, thank you RBPS School Council for your generous support of this special event!


Wednesday, February 26: Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday, February 28th is Pink Shirt Day, which raises awareness about the impacts of bullying, how we can work together to prevent it, and provide support to those affected by it. Students and staff members are welcome to wear pink to show their support. You can learn more by visiting the Pink Shirt Day website.


Pizza Days - Term 2 Begins 

Term 2 pizza days will start on February 27th and run for 16 weeks until June 19th. Ordering online is now closed. Paper copies of the order form are still available at the office front desk. Deadline for ordering in person is Tuesday, February 25th.

Each slice of pizza is $2.50, so a total of $40 per slice for the full 16 week term. Thank you also for considering the option to donate a slice to a student in need.

Once again, we will be offering a Ramadan option for those students who will be fasting. Students who choose this option will not receive pizza on March 6, 20 & 27, therefore the cost will be $32.50 for a 13 week term.


Ramadan Mubarak

March 1 is expected to mark the beginning of Ramadan for Muslims around the world. Here at RBPS, we are working to ensure that our learning environment is supportive to all students, including those students who will be fasting. All students, whether fasting or not, are welcome to remain in their classrooms during the lunch period. For students who are fasting and would prefer to spend their lunch period in a space where students are not eating, the 2nd floor annex, overlooking the library, will be open and supervised. Students may choose to spend their lunch periods in the annex, where they may read, quietly chat with friends, or engage in other quiet activities. For students in Grades 5 and 6, parent permission to go to the annex for the lunch period is not required, For students in Grade 4 and below, we would ask that parents send an email, or call the office, to indicate that their child(ren) have permission to use the fasting space. The use of the prayer space for students in Grades 5 and 6 will also continue, and may be relocated to a larger space if needed


Voluntary $10 RBPS Student Fee

Thank you to families who choose to donate for the voluntary 24/25 RBPS student fee. These fees are used to support additional activities to enrich the student programs, such as guest speakers and special  presentations, and to subsidize field trips. 

In September, we requested a voluntary donation of $20, but given that we are approaching the halfway mark of the school year, we have changed the requested amount to $10 per student. This fee can be sent electronically using Schoolcashonline, or sent as cash / check with your child(ren). I would like to emphasize again that this fee is voluntary, and if you paid the $20 fee earlier in the fall, please disregard this request. Information on which families choose to make this donation will not be shared (i.e. there will be no lists of names in the classrooms). Thank you in advance for considering this request.


Grade 1 - 6 Health Curriculum: Human Development and Sexual Health 

In the next week, parents of Grade 1 - 6 students will receive an email with the specific dates and times when the Human Growth and Sexuality strand of the Ontario Health Curriculum will be taught in your child’s class. At our parent information meeting last week we shared the specific curriculum expectations for each grade: a copy of that information can be found here

RBPS Activities (In every Banner, we highlight a different activity at RBPS.)

Activity Name: Winter Olympic Day

What is it?:  On Friday, February 21, all students from Kindergarten - Grade 6 took part in a variety of outdoor activities, organized by staff with support from Grade 5 and 6 students. Students moved in mixed grade groups through a variety of activities and stations, making use of the abundance of snow we have received lately. Thanks to all parents for bundling up your children, and to all the staff, especially Mme Boudreau, for organizing this event.


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