Bateman Bobcat Banner: November 6, 2023

Bateman Bobcat Banner: November 6, 2023
Posted on 11/06/2023

Bateman Bobcat Banner

Monday, November 6, 2023


Upcoming Events:

  • November: Hindu Heritage Month / Holocaust Remembrance Month
  • November 5 - 11: Treaty Recognition Week
  • Tuesday, November 7: OPH Vaccine Clinic at RBPS (3:30PM - 7:00PM)
  • Friday, November 10: Remembrance Day Assembly
  • Thursday, November 16: Progress Reports / Kindergarten Communication of Learning shared with parents
  • Week of Nov 21-24: Scholastic Book Fair
  • Thursday, November 23 / Friday November 24: Parent-Teacher Interviews
  • Friday, November 24: PA Day (No school for students)
  • Tuesday, November 28: Photo Retake Day

Professional Development at RBPS

On Friday, November 3, staff at Robert Bateman PS took part in all-day professional development. The main topics for this professional learning included:

  1. Mathematics / French as a Second Language: Teachers engaged in professional learning related to the new Elementary Mathematic Curriculum, and the elements of planning a comprehensive Math block across the grades;
  2. French as a Second Language: French teachers engaged in and exploration of effective teaching routines for building second language skills;
  3. Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Our Learning Support teachers, Educational Assistants and Early Childhood Educators engaged in learning and preparation to better support our students with ASD;
  4. Centering Indigenous Perspectives Across the Curriculum:  All staff engaged in learning on incorporating Indigenous values, methods, knowledge and perspectives across the curriculum in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action numbers 62 and 63 in Education for Reconciliation.

Ottawa Public Health Immunization Clinic: Tuesday, November 7, 3:30 - 7 PM

Respiratory season is upon us! Getting your vaccines this fall, like your annual flu vaccines and the updated COVID-19 vaccines is the best way to protect yourself and your child from getting sick! 

Ottawa Public Health will be holding an Immunization Clinic at Robert Bateman from 1530-1900 on Nov. 7, 2023. No appointments needed.

The school community and any other community members are welcome to attend.

For more information on respiratory illness, including vaccination and treatment, please visit

Remembrance Day at RBPS

In the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day (last week and this week), students are learning at an age-appropriate level about the sacrifices made by veterans, and why we honour their memory. Some classes will also be welcoming guest speaker Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Manley to discuss the importance of Remembrance Day and remembering our veterans. On Friday, November 10, Grade 1 - 6 students and staff at RBPS will take part in a Remembrance Day ceremony, starting at 9:30 AM. (Kindergarten students will participate in an age-appropriate observance in-class). Parents are invited to attend this ceremony; please note that due to our increasing student population, there will be limited seating for guests, and we may have to limit entry if we reach maximum occupancy.

Terry Fox Fundraiser Follow-Up

Thank you to Ms Flanders and her Grade 4/5 students for their work organizing the Terry Fox Run. They came close to their goal of raising $450 for the Terry Fox Run by reaching $413, which is almost $200 more than last year! Thanks to everyone who donated and to the students for running for Terry and for cancer research.

Progress Reports Available on Thursday, November 16

At RBPS, our educators communicate with parents throughout the year.  This communication includes email updates, phone calls, and in-person meetings. 

Three times per year, educators send home written reports in accordance with Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines.

Next week, parents / guardians of Kindergarten students will receive an ‘Initial Observations Report.’ This report has a summary of observations of your child’s learning since the start of the school year and provides early evidence of growth in their learning. More information on the Kindergarten Initial Observations and Communication of Learning is available here.

For Parents / Guardians of children in grades 1-6, your child will receive a ‘Progress Report’ next week.  The progress report is designed to share information with parents about their child’s general progress early in the school year, focusing on the development of the learning skills and work habits, as well as a student’s general progress in working towards their achievement of the curriculum expectations. Progress reports will not include marks or letter grades, but rather progress will be reported by indicating if the student is “progressing with difficulty”, “progressing well”, or “progressing very well”. This report is intended to provide parents with an early indication of their child’s progress.

For more information about assessment, evaluation and reporting, please see the OCDSB Parent Guide to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting.

Parent / Teacher Interviews: November 23 - 24

At the end of next week, all parents will receive an email inviting them to sign up for a parent-teacher interview on either Thursday, November 23 between 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM, or on Friday, November 24 between 8:30  AM - 10:30 AM. This is an opportunity to meet with your child(ren)’s teacher(s) to discuss the Initial Observations Report / Progress Report, ask any questions you may have, and discuss how you can work together to support your child(ren) moving forward. Please note that although this time is specifically dedicated for parents and teachers to meet, parents are welcome to reach out to their child(ren)’s teachers at any time throughout the year to discuss their child(ren)’s progress.

RBPS Scholastic Book Fair: November 22 - 24

Book Fair is Back!

Students will be able to shop in-person for new books and other fun items! All classes will have a chance to visit the book fair during school hours.

Family night will be on Thursday, Nov 23th 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

There is also a virtual option for families to shop from home.

All proceeds from the Book Fair help our school library to buy new books and resources for the Makerspace. Thank you for your support!

School Council News

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

This year Robert Bateman School Council is bringing back our much loved Cookie Dough Fundraiser.  We will be working with MacMillian’s who offer the most delicious frozen bake your own cookie dough!

How it works.

  1. Pick your favourite cookie dough and order online using the school code, before Nov. 13th.
  2. A pick up date will be set. The cookies will all be delivered to the school. The instructions on how to bake the cookies are provided and then you just bake and enjoy.

These are perfect treats to have on hand before the winter break.

All proceeds will go to the RBPS School Council to help fund special events and purchase items within the school, to bring those "little extras" into the classrooms to help enhance our children's learning! 

Steps to online ordering:

  1. Access the MacMillans website and select shop all products now!!
  2. Select items.
  3. Proceed to check out
  4. Select Robert Bateman Public School from the drop-down menu
  5. Fill in all required fields pertaining to name of customer, name of student and credit card information etc.

Thanks for considering supporting this fundraiser.

RBPS School Council: Tuesday, November 14

All parents are invited to attend the RBPS School Council meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 6:30 pm in the school library. This meeting will use a hybrid (in-person and virtual) format; any parent who would like to attend virtually is invited to join using this meeting link. We hope to see many parents at this meeting.

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