Leadership Recognition

“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”


We strive to offer our students many leadership opportunities throughout the school year. They participate actively in the life of our school by being part of the Amigos program, the nutrition break monitor program, reading morning announcements, and acting as door monitors during recess, and assisting younger students on the bus. We count ourselves lucky to have students who are eager to volunteer when needed.

Our students develop a sense of caring and compassion for others by participating in different fundraising activities which include canned food drives, “Jump Rope for Heart” as well as our annual “2K Walk for Cancer”. Over the past 11 years, with the support of our families and under the guidance of our teacher Mr. G. Fackelmann, a sum of over $132,000.00 has been raised for cancer research.

We are also very proud to say that a painting created by our teacher Mme Doucette and students is displayed in the lobby of the Maplesoft Centre Cancer Foundation building. We send teams to the fall Cross Country Run, sports events and the Spring Track and Field Meet where all students demonstrate leadership and school spirit by supporting their teammates and celebrating the achievements of others. Their efforts foster cooperation and contribute to the positive school climate at Robert Bateman PS. We are very proud of the efforts of all of our students in being responsible citizens.


Our highly qualified and dedicated staff actively participates in numerous board-wide professional development activities as well are part of our school-based professional learning community. Our teachers have specialties which include French as a Second Language, English as a Second Language, Special Education, Music, Dance, Physical Education, Math, Arts, Computers as well as Master’s degrees. We have many teacher mentors who share their professional knowledge with new staff members. Our staff provides leadership by contributing to school committees and organizing extracurricular activities (choir, intramurals, athletics, arts/drama, and fundraising activities). Our office staff and chief custodian work exceptionally well together to welcome new students and their families into our school and to help keep us safe and comfortable. We recognize their leadership via personal interactions, school announcements, newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals and our principal’s report at School Council. In the past our school won the Arts Recognition Award for the Elementary Integration of the Arts as well as being part of the Ontario Healthy Schools.


Volunteers at RBPS contribute thousands of hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. Our School Council meets monthly throughout the year and develops fundraising plans and provides valued input on school matters. Volunteers support us in the Library, in classrooms; help with the delivery of lunches and milk as well as accompanying classes on field trips. As valued partners, we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an ongoing basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them such as school announcements, our principal’s report to School Council, school newsletters, and at our annual volunteer appreciation event.


Our various community partners include: Ottawa Public Health, volunteers from Big Brothers Big Sisters of OttawaCarleton, the Food Bank, Ottawa Police School Resource Officer (SRO), ONFE (Ottawa Network for Education), and OCISO (Ottawa Community Immigration Services Organization). We recognize our community partners through our school announcements, newsletters, school website, principal’s report to School Council, and thank you cards.

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