Bateman Bobcat Banner - February 26, 2024

Bateman Bobcat Banner - February 26, 2024
Posted on 02/26/2024

Bateman Bobcat Banner

Monday, February 26, 2024

Upcoming Events:

  • February: Black History Month continues at RBPS
  •  Tuesday, February 27: Toonie Tuesday in support of the Education Foundation
  •  Wednesday, February 28: Pink Shirt Day
  •  Thursday, February 29: Term 2 Pizza Begins
  •  Tuesday March 5: 6:30 PM in Library: Parent information session on Human Growth and Sexuality Health Curriculum (Gr 1-6) led by Mr. G
  •  Sunday, March 10: Ramadan expected to begin
  •  March 11 - 15: March Break (No school for students)
  •  Tuesday, March 19: RBPS School Council Meeting (6:30 PM)
  • March 27 - 28: Dental Screening for Kindergarten and Grade 2 Students
  • Wednesday, April 10 - Thursday, April 11: Eid-al-Fitr (projected dates)
  • Friday, March 29: Good Friday (No school for students)
  • Monday, April 1: Easter Monday (No school for students)

Term 1 Progress Reports / Communication of Learning

We hope that all parents / caregivers have had the opportunity to download and read their child(ren) Grade 1 - 6 Progress Reports, or Kindergarten Communication of Learning. If you have not been able to access your child(ren)’s Progress Reports or Communication of Learning, please reply to this email, or call the school so we can assist you in accessing your child(ren)’s report.

Term 2 Pizza Begins This Week

Term 1 pizza is now complete, Term 2  begins this Thursday, February 29, and will take place every Thursday for 14 weeks, up to and including June 6th.  If you are interested in volunteering for 1 hour, from 10:15-11:15 on a one-time or regular basis, please contact the School Council parent volunteers at: [email protected]

Toonie Tuesday: February 26 - March 1

For the week of February 26 - March 1, Robert Bateman will take part in our annual ‘Toonie Tuesday’ fundraiser, in support of the Education Foundation of Ottawa. Students will be invited to bring in Loonies, Toonies, or other amounts, and parents can donate online here. Thanks to Ms Flander’s Grade 4/5 class for organizing and promoting this event.

The Education Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to supporting students in the OCDSB who are vulnerable to the effects of poverty. One in five children in our schools lives in poverty. The Education Foundation’s goals include reducing barriers to ensure that all students have the basic necessities they need in order to learn confidently. They do this by providing appropriate food, clothing, school supplies, healthcare supports and access to opportunities for students in our neighbourhood and our school. At Robert Bateman School, the Education Foundation provides financial support for our Breakfast Program, provides school supplies, snowsuits, and other items for students, and provides emergency support for RBPS families in need.HH


Have a Heart Day

On Wednesday, February 14th, Ms Flanders' and Mr. Thomas' classes went to the Have a Heart Day event at Centrepointe Theatre. As a step towards truth and reconciliation, students from schools across the city read letters and poems addressing the injustices that continue against First Nations children. Hannah Mohammed in Grade 5 represented Robert Bateman by reading her letter, and the rest of the students' letters were dropped off to be sent on to various government representatives. Students received heart cookies to commemorate the event. Ms Flanders and Mr.Thomas were proud of the students' engagement and activism!

End of Findlay Creek Accommodation Measures

All families who live in the Findlay Creek Community should have received an email last week indicating whether your child(ren) will attend Vimy Ridge Public School, or the new Findlay Creek Elementary School in September 2024. If you have not received this information, could you please reply to this email - or call the school - so we can provide that information.

February 28: Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday, February 28th is Pink Shirt Day, which raises awareness about the impacts of bullying, how we can work together to prevent it, and provide support to those affected by it. Students and staff members are welcome to wear pink to show their support. You can learn more by visiting the Pink Shirt Day website.

Breakfast Program At RBPS

Thank you to our new Breakfast Program Coordinator, Ms Hilda Makonyola (Ms Hilda to the students) for bringing the in-person breakfast program back to RBPS.

If you would like your child to participate in the Breakfast Program, please complete this google form. If you have questions, please reply to this email, or call the school at 613-737-3169.

The Breakfast Program also needs volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please provide your name and contact information within the google form.

Breakfast is served from 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. in the small gym. Typical menus may include fresh fruit, cereal, juice, toast, jam, cheese, pancakes, milk and other dairy products. Research has shown that children who eat a good breakfast are better equipped to learn and to focus.

This program is funded through donations of food and money by organizations in the Robert Bateman PS community and surrounding area. Students will not be charged for their breakfast; however, donations from families are accepted to help cover the costs associated with running this program.

Grade 1 - 6 Health Curriculum: Human Development and Sexual Health Strand

The Ontario Health Curriculum includes a variety of strands, such as healthy eating, staying safe at home and in the community, and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. One of the units of study is “Human Development and Sexual Health”. Topics in this unit include respecting differences in others, the importance of physical hygiene during puberty, and other topics which vary by grade. This year at RBPS, all classes will be teaching their Human Development and Sexual Health units sometime between April 15 - May 3 (specific dates and times for each class will be sent home in the next 2 weeks). Parents will have the opportunity to request that their child be exempted from this unit of study. Before those forms are sent home, I would like to invite all RBPS parents to an information session on Tuesday, March 5 at 6:30 PM in the RBPS library, to share the specific information that will be taught in each grade, and answer any questions from parents. My goal in hosting this session is to ensure that all parents have accurate information on what will be taught, and what will not be taught, in order to make informed decisions.

Human Development and Sexual Health is not part of the Kindergarten program, but all Kindergarten parents are very welcome to attend.

March 27 - 28: Dental Screening for Kindergarten and Grade 2 Students (Information provided Ottawa Public Health)

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Lynne Bérubé a registered dental hygienist (RDH) with Ottawa Public Health will provide a dental screening on March 27-28, 2024 for students in JK, SK, Grade 2 and some follow-ups as

needed. If your child’s grade is not selected, but you wish for the dental hygienist to see him/her, please advise the school. The dental screening is a no-touch technique: the RDH uses a disposable tongue depressor to look at your child’s mouth. This short visual assessment helps identify the need for dental care (infection, tooth decay, broken teeth or more). Appropriate measures are in place to limit the spread of illnesses, including hand hygiene and personal protective equipment for the RDH. Afterwards, your child will be given a report to take home which will explain the results of the dental screening. Some students may need follow-up dental screenings as needed. Some families may be eligible for free dental care. THE SCREENING DOES NOT REPLACE REGULAR DENTAL VISITS WITH YOUR FAMILY DENTIST.

This dental screening is offered in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards, Oral Health Protocol 2021 from the Ontario Ministry of Health. Personal health information collected during the screening will be used for the purposes of delivering, administering, and managing screening services and for statistical purposes provided under Sections 5 and 7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act (as amended) and the Ontario Public Health Standards (2018). Information may be used and shared among Ottawa Public Health authorized employees only in the provision of dental services. Questions concerning the dental screening, how to exclude your child from the dental screening for this school year, the collection and use of this  information should be directed to the Supervisor of Dental Health Promotion, Ottawa

Staff Profile  (In every Banner, we profile a different staff member…)  JS

Staff Name: Jared Scrivin

Role:  Educational Assistant

Time at Robert Bateman: 6 Months

Background: One of four siblings

Interesting Fact: My birthday is on Halloween.

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