Bateman Bobcat Banner: October 7, 2024

Bateman Bobcat Banner: October 7, 2024
Posted on 10/07/2024

Bateman Bobcat Banner

Monday, October 7, 2024

Upcoming Events:

  • October: Islamic Heritage Month
  • Tuesday, October 8: RBPS School Council meeting
  • Thursday, October 10: Junior Cross Country Meet
  • Thursday, October 10: Deadline to order for pizza days

    Quick Links:

  • Please report your child’s absence or late arrival using School Messenger, or by calling 1-833-202-1417
  • RBPS School Council Online Meeting
  • SchoolCash Online
  •  Friday,October 11: Terry Fox Run
  •  Monday,October 14: Thanksgiving Monday(No School for Students)
  •  Thursday, October 17: Pizza Days Begin
  •  Monday,October 18: Photo Day

Thank you to all the parents who joined us on Thursday, September 26 for our ‘Meet The Staff’ event. We appreciated the high turnout, and the many families who were able to stay for pizza afterwards. A partnership between home and school is a strong indicator of student success, and we are grateful for the time you invested in that partnership in your attendance.

Professional Development at RBPS

On Friday, September 27, all staff at Robert Bateman PS took part in a PD Day. The main topics covered were:

  1. Literacy Learning:
    1. K-2 Screening and assessment
    2. 3-6 Focus on instructional strategies within the literacy block
  2. Mathematics:
    1. Navigating the digital 2020 Math Curriculum;
    2. Continuum of learning in Number Sense:
    3. Using the CRA (concrete, representation, abstract) approach;
    4. Using  Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy (CRRP) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to support learners' needs.
  3. Student Well-Being
    1. Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions

Extracurriculars at Robert Bateman School

On Thursday, October 10,  the Junior Cross Country team will take part in the SouthEast Regional Meet. Thank you to the Cross-Country coaching team of Mme Irus, Ms Horning, Ms Petten, and Mme Boudreau for all your work over the past few weeks in preparing the team for their meet.

Currently, the Junior Girls Soccer Team and the Junior Boys Soccer Team tryouts are underway. Soccer is very popular at RBPS, and many students are trying out. Every year, there are lots of big emotions when the team lists are shared. If your child is considering trying out for a team, please take some time to discuss that not every student can make the team and to be prepared for either outcome.

Voluntary $20 RBPS Student Fee

Robert Bateman PS invites parents/caregivers to contribute a voluntary student fee of $20. These fees are used to support additional activities to enrich the student programs, such as guest speakers and special presentations, and to subsidize field trips. Our request is for a voluntary donation of $20 per student (up to a family maximum of $50). This fee can be sent electronically using Schoolcashonline, or sent as cash / check with your child(ren). Thank you in advance for considering this request.

Pizza Days at RBPS

Our RBPS School Council will once again be running Pizza Days for students. Every Thursday for 16 weeks - from October 17  to February 13 - School Council volunteers will serve cheese  pizza to participating students in Kindergarten - Grade 6. The cost for one slice of pizza for 16 weeks is $40. Payment is online through SchoolCashOnline only. The deadline to order is Thursday, October 10; no late orders will be accepted. There will be no refunds unless the school is closed for that day. If your child is absent, their order will only be available for pick up at the school, if you call the school in the morning before 10am to request that it be put aside.

In addition, the RBPS School Council is looking for volunteers to help on a one-time or regular basis. If you have 45 minutes to help distribute the pizza on Thursdays between 10:15-11:15am, please email [email protected] with your contact information.


RBPS School Council: Tuesday, October 8

All parents are invited to attend the RBPS School Council meeting on Tuesday, October 8, at 6:30 pm in the school library. This meeting will use a hybrid (in-person and virtual) format; any parent who would like to attend virtually is invited to email the school to request the meeting link. We hope to see many parents at this meeting.

Terry Fox Run at RBPS: Friday, October 11

The students in Mr. Blundell’s class have been working hard to plan a successful Terry Fox Run event. This is an annual event that takes place all over Canada in an effort to raise money for cancer research and to honour Terry Fox, his Marathon of Hope and his vision of eradicating cancer.

On Friday, October 11, primary students will walk or run around the field, and junior students will do laps around the school. After each lap, they will receive a washable stamp on their hand and/or arm. (Paper will be provided for anyone not wanting a stamp on their arm.)

What can you do?

*Send your child to school with clothing appropriate for the weather and physical activity, as well as a water bottle.

*Donate by sending any change you can spare to school with your child, (a toonie for Terry has been suggested), or by going directly to this website:

The grade 3/4 class thanks you for your support!

Kindergarten - Grade 6 Media Permission Forms

We would like to tell the community about the many positive things taking place in our school. We also want to strike the right balance between getting our message out and respecting the wishes of parents/guardians who do not want their children photographed or videotaped or their child’s name, work or photo displayed on the District’s or school’s websites. Therefore, could you please complete this form to let us know your preferences regarding sharing information?

Robert Bateman Safe and Accepting School Team

One of our most important goals is to build a school community that is caring, supportive, and inclusive for all students. In order to support our ongoing work towards meeting this goal, we will be continuing the work of our Safe and Accepting School Team (formerly School Climate and Inclusion Committee). This committee, which is required in all schools in Ontario, is made up of Mr. G. and Mrs. Fuller, representatives of different staff groups (teachers, EAs, ECEs), parents and students (depending on the structure of the meeting, students may provide their input in advance). These committee members provide their perspectives and input on how we can ensure that RBPS is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming school. In addition, this committee plays an important consultative role in shaping our 'Student Mental Health and Well-Being Plan', including the Bullying Prevention Intervention goal within that plan. There will be about 3-4 meetings throughout the year. If you are interested in being on this committee, please reply to this newsletter, or reach out by telephone at 613-737-3169. We hope you are able to add your voice to this committee.

School Photo Day: Friday, October 18

The RBPS School Photo Day will be on Friday, October 18. Students are asked to avoid wearing green on this day, because this can interfere with the green screen used to provide parents with a choice of background. Parents will receive a personalized link to view their child(ren)’s photos, with the option to purchase prints. All students who purchase photos will receive a free class photo: we hope that all students will be able to attend on this date.

RBPS Activities (In every Banner, we highlight a different activity at RBPS.)

Activity Name: K-3 Phonemic Awareness Instruction

What is it?:  Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and work with the phonemes, or sounds, of language. It is a key focus in the curriculum for kindergarten and grade one, as this skill is critical for building strong reading foundations. We teach children to:

  • Identify the sounds they hear in words: “What is the first sound you hear in the word sun?”
  • Blend individual sounds together to make a word: “My sounds are /l/ /i/ /p/ - push them together, and what is the word?”
  • Split a word into its individual sounds: “What are the sounds you hear in the word truck?”
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