Welcome Back to RBPS: 24/25

Welcome Back to RBPS: 24/25
Posted on 08/26/2024

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s) of Robert Bateman Student(s);

Welcome to the 2024 / 2025 school year at Robert Bateman Public School.  My name is Jeff Griesbach (Mr. G), and this is my 4th year serving the Robert Bateman School community as Principal. Along with Ms Darla Fuller, who is entering her 2nd year as Vice-Principal, we hope you all had a safe and relaxing summer, and that your child(ren) are excited and ready to return to school on Tuesday, September 3. (Please note that all students, including Year 1 and Year 2 Kindergarten, start on September 3.)

This year marks a return to Robert Bateman as a smaller school. For the past two years, we welcomed students from the Findlay Creek community as a new school was being built. With the opening of Mino Mikan Elementary School next week, our student population will reduce from 370 at the end of June to our previous size of approximately 250 students.

NEW STAFF: We are pleased to welcome - or welcome back - new and returning staff.

  • Mme Megan Tessier returns as Junior EFI homeroom teacher;
  • Ms Angela Petten returns as a Junior English to French Immersion teacher;
  • Mr Matthew Blundelljoins us for the year as Primary / Junior English homeroom teacher;
  • Ms Jennifer Dey joins us as our new Primary Special Needs (PSN) homeroom teacher;
  • Ms Sarina Parisee and Ms Suad Hussein join the RBPS team as Educational Assistants.

The next Bateman Bobcat Banner  will include a full staff list, with teaching assignments.

CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: On Thursday, August 29, we will send an email to all families with information on child(ren)’s class assignment and teacher for the 2024- 2025 school year. On Friday, August 30, teachers will reach out via email to parents/guardians of students in their class.

OSTA SCHOOL BUS INFORMATION: OSTA’s Parent Portal (Bus Stop Finder) is now open.  Please regularly check OSTA’s website and social media pages for important transportation announcements, deadlines, and other vital information.

School Supplies: The OCDSB has developed a common list of recommended personal use items for students. This list of supplies is voluntary;  it is a parent’s / guardian’s choice to send the following items for use by their child for the first day of school in September. We value and appreciate any items parents/guardians are able to send.

Items requested for students in all grades (Kindergarten - Grade 6) are:

  • 1 pencil case
  • 12 – HB pencils with eraser tip
  • 2 – medium size white vinyl erasers
  • 1 – box of washable, non-toxic markers
  • 2 – glue sticks

In addition, parents are welcome to send the following additional items for students in different divisions:


Grades 1 - 3

Grades 4 - 6

- 1 box of regular crayons

- large Ziploc bags

- 1 box of regular crayons

- 1 box of pencil crayons

- 1 pencil sharpener


- 1 box of pencil crayons

- 1 pencil sharpener

- 3 ballpoint pens (1 red, 2 blue)

- 1 yellow highlighter

- 1 calculator

- 4 duotangs, various colours

We look forward to welcoming your child(ren) back to school next week. As the Robert Bateman Mission Statement says: “We come to Robert Batemen to love learning, strive for excellence, and prepare for our future.” Together, we can work towards supporting every child to achieve these goals.


Jeff Griesbach (Mr G), Principal [email protected]

Darla Fuller, Vice-Principal [email protected]

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